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The Wire Seasons 1 to 5 Complete Collection Blu-Ray

All five seasons of the highly-acclaimed crime drama series which follows drug and murder investigations in Baltimore. Told from the point of view of both the police and their targets, the series captures a universe of subterfuge and surveillance, where …
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All five seasons of the highly-acclaimed crime drama series which follows drug and murder investigations in Baltimore. Told from the point of view of both the police and their targets, the series captures a universe of subterfuge and surveillance, where easy distinctions between good and evil, and crime and punishment, are challenged at every turn. Season 1 episodes comprise: 'The Target', 'The Detail', 'The Buys', 'Old Cases', 'The Pager', 'The Wire', 'One Arrest', 'Lessons', 'Game Day', 'The Cost', 'The Hunt', 'Cleaning Up' and 'Sentencing'. Season 2 episodes are: 'Ebb Tide', 'Collateral Damage', 'Hot Shots', 'Hard Cases', 'Undertow', 'All Prologue', 'Backwash', 'Duck and Cover', 'Stray Rounds', 'Storm Warnings', 'Bad Dreams' and 'Port in a Storm'. Season 3 episodes comprise: 'Time After Time, 'All Due Respect', 'Dead Soldiers', 'Amsterdam', 'Straight and True', 'Homecoming', 'Back Burners', 'Moral Midgetry', 'Slapstick', 'Reformation', 'Middle Ground' and 'Mission Accomplished'. Season 4 episodes are: 'Boys of Summer', 'Soft Eyes', 'Home Rooms', 'Refugees', 'Alliances', 'Margin of Error', 'Unto Others', 'Corner Boys', 'Know Your Place', 'Misgivings', 'A New Day', 'That's Got His Own' and 'Final Grades'. Season 5 episodes comprise: 'More With Less', 'Unconfirmed Reports', 'Not for Attribution', 'Transitions', 'React Quotes', 'The Dickensian Aspect', 'Took', 'Clarifications', 'Late Editions' and '-30-'.

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The Wire Seasons 1 to 5 Complete Collection Blu-Ray
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