Pantanir og stillingar

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Við erum með verðábyrgð, þannig að ef þú finnur þessa vöru ódýrari einhvers staðar annars staðar geturðu haft samband við þjónustuver okkar um

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TRIKEM - Elektrolyt 1.5Kg - (822.7340)



"Electrolytes contain the electrolytes necessary to maintain the horse's balance between fluid and electrolytes. When the horse sweats or experiences loose stools, it loses large amounts of electrolytes. Imbalance between fluid and electrolytes can manif…
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"Electrolytes contain the electrolytes necessary to maintain the horse's balance between fluid and electrolytes. When the horse sweats or experiences loose stools, it loses large amounts of electrolytes. Imbalance between fluid and electrolytes can manifest as slow recovery, fatigue, dehydration, impaired muscle function, and decreased performance. Electrolytes can be given to improve the horse's recovery and performance during harder exertion and more intense competition periods.

Use for horses
- after training or competition.
- after sweating losses.
- in case of fluid losses e.g. diarrhea"

Upplýsingar um vöru

SKU númer
TRIKEM - Elektrolyt 1.5Kg - (822.7340)

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