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Thrustmaster - T16000M FCS Hotas

HOTAS joystick: precision and all controls at your fingertips. T.16000M FCS (Flight Control System) flight stick featuring H.E.A.R.T magnetic precision technology + TWCS (Thrustmaster Weapon Control System) throttle featuring S.M.A.R.T technology. Intuit…
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HOTAS joystick: precision and all controls at your fingertips

T.16000M FCS (Flight Control System) flight stick featuring H.E.A.R.T magnetic precision technology + TWCS (Thrustmaster Weapon Control System) throttle featuring S.M.A.R.T technology

Intuitive and natural: feels just like sitting in the cockpit!

  • The T.16000M FCS HOTAS is composed of the T.16000M FCS (Flight Control System) flight stick and the TWCS (Thrustmaster Weapon Control System) throttle. It is compatible with PC via USB in Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • The T.16000M FCS offers you a precision level greater than current systems, which will not decrease over time, thanks to the joystick's H.E.A.R.T technology (U.S. patent US08471815)
  • The throttle's S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Tracks) technology delivers a unique system of slide rails for perfectly smooth sliding motion and precision
  • The joystick includes 16 action buttons with "braille"-style physical button identification + one 8-way Point of View hat switch. The throttle features 5 (+3) axes, 14 action buttons + one 8-way Point of View hat switch
  • The T.A.R.G.E.T software allows you to load and create specific mapping profiles for each game

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Thrustmaster - T16000M FCS Hotas
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