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Thrustmaster - T-Flight Hotas X ( PC - PS3)

Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X Features. 12 buttons and 5 axis (the same as you would find on a PS3 controller)Easy plug and play installation, no need for drivers on the PCThrottle unit is detachable.Resistance on the joystick can be tweaked, if you pref…
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Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X Features

  • 12 buttons and 5 axis (the same as you would find on a PS3 controller)
  • Easy plug and play installation, no need for drivers on the PC
  • Throttle unit is detachable.

Resistance on the joystick can be tweaked, if you prefer a joystick that requires a little bit more muscle to move or prefer a lighter resistance than you have the option.

The base of the unit is weighted which gives it better stability.

Comes with internal memory that says your button configurations, highly convenient if you like to remove your joystick when you don’t use it as the internal memory means you do not have to keep reassigning your buttons.

Has a special mode switch called the MAPPING button. This allows you to access secondary functions on each button.

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Thrustmaster - T-Flight Hotas X ( PC - PS3)
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