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That's Mine - Abigail activity toy - Dino (07450251230)

  • ce-marking
This cute activity toy is perfect for the little ones to look at and play with. The activity toy is designed with a C-ring, making it easier to attach to a crib, an activity stand, a car seat, or other places where it can be used. It comes in soft textur…
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This cute activity toy is perfect for the little ones to look at and play with. The activity toy is designed with a C-ring, making it easier to attach to a crib, an activity stand, a car seat, or other places where it can be used. It comes in soft textures, with a mirror, crinkling sounds, and an animal that can play a melody. Available in lovely colors and motifs in 100% soft polyester.

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That's Mine - Abigail activity toy - Dino (07450251230)

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