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Super Retro Platformer Collection

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Super Retro Platformer Collection - Nintendo Switch



Enjoy four great retro platformers inspired by the NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 eras in Super Retro Platformer Collection, featuring Commander Keen in Keen Dreams: Definitive Edition, Macbat 64, Regina & Mac, and Toree 3D! Game 1: Commander Keen in Kee…
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Enjoy four great retro platformers inspired by the NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 eras in Super Retro Platformer Collection, featuring Commander Keen in Keen Dreams: Definitive Edition, Macbat 64, Regina & Mac, and Toree 3D!

Game 1: Commander Keen in Keen Dreams: Definitive Edition

Commander Keen is back. In the modernized Definitive Edition of the lost episode "Keen Dream", Keen has to fend off a nasty nightmare about evil vegetables. The Definitive Edition features full widescreen support, twelve all-new levels - doubling the length over the 1990 original - and a full music score. The game structure has been reworked to make the game a more modern experience without sacrificing any of the original charms!

Game 2: Macbat 64: Journey of a Nice Chap

Embark on a journey with the lovable bat Macbat, as he ventures through 9 colorful platforming levels to obtain the keys to the water factory to restore water production. Featuring a playful art style reminiscent of the 64-bit era, Macbat 64 will fly right to the hearts of all 90s platformer fans.

Game 3: Regina & Mac

Join the macaw Regina and the tyrannosaurus Mac on their adventure as they try to escape a lifeless research lab. The only way out? To find the golden Floppy discs on which the memory of the lab’s computer system U64 is stored so that it can help the duo to find an exit. Regina & Mac is a 3D platformer that stands in the tradition of the classics from the late 90s and offers a fair challenge even for genre aficionados.

Game 4: Toree 3D

A bite-sized 3D platformer with a few weird elements. Life as a chirp is hard: As Toree straddles about, a creepy mean guy comes rushing along and steals Toree's ice cream. In an attempt to right this wrong, Toree starts a furious chase through nine carefully crafted levels with a strong emphasis on speed and flow.

Note: Language - English, German (only supported in Macbat 64), Portuguese (only supported in Macbat 64).

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  • Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum: Enska
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SKU númer
Super Retro Platformer Collection
20. janúar 2023
Auka upplýsingar
Nintendo Switch

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