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Super Bomberman R (Shiny Edition) - PlayStation 4



Since its release in 1985, Bomberman has been a familiar party-battle game for many years. Now, Bomberman is coming back as "SUPER BOMBERMAN R" to Nintendo Switch. In SUPER BOMBERMAN R, the simple rule remains the same: operate the main character (Bom…
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Since its release in 1985, Bomberman has been a familiar party-battle game for many years. Now, Bomberman is coming back as "SUPER BOMBERMAN R" to Nintendo Switch.

In SUPER BOMBERMAN R, the simple rule remains the same: operate the main character (Bomberman), place bombs, and battle with enemies and rivals, but it's coming back in a modern style with 3D stages and photo-real graphics. You can enjoy battles with rivals from all over the world.

There is "Battle" mode for maximum of 8 players, and single play "Story" mode (cooperative play for 2 players is possible as well) where players clear each stage one by one, with a big volume of 50 stages. Also, there is a new rule where the condition to clear the stage is not just by wiping out all the enemies. This simple but strategic game with new rules and 3D stages is fun for everyone, from children to adults.


  • Bomberman is back with the same game system and controllability with a fresh take on a classic title
  • Photo-real graphics
  • Bomberman's siblings and well-known enemies are back with rich personality
  • 3D stages with dynamic environments
  • Battle mode for maximum of 8 players, local connection battles, and online battles
  • Enriched story with all-star voice actors

Upplýsingar um vöru

Tungumál á kápu
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Tungumál á kápu: Enska
Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum: Enska
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Undirtexti: Enska
  • Undirtexti: Franska
  • Undirtexti: Hollenska
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  • Undirtexti: Rússneska
  • Undirtexti: Spænska
  • Undirtexti: Ítalska
  • Undirtexti: Þýska
SKU númer
Super Bomberman R (Shiny Edition)
14. júní 2018
Auka upplýsingar
  • PEGI: 7+
PlayStation 4
USK á Disk
  • USK á Disk: 6+

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