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Snack'it - Dog snack Dried Shark 1 piece 40-50cm - (01-885)



Sand shark caught in Dutch waters - called bycatch. They must not be thrown into the sea again and are therefore used for, among other things, dog snacks instead of going as waste. They are approved by the Dutch authorities. 1 Shark in a bag - approx. 40…
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Sand shark caught in Dutch waters - called bycatch. They must not be thrown into the sea again and are therefore used for, among other things, dog snacks instead of going as waste.
They are approved by the Dutch authorities.
1 Shark in a bag - approx. 40-50cm - varies in size as it is a natural product
Supplementary dog for food
Analysis: Protein 77.0%, fat 5.3%, ash 12.0%, fiber 0.7%, moist 6.2%
Never leave dogs unattended with snacks or toys
Always make sure the dog has access to fresh drinking water

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Snack'it - Dog snack Dried Shark 1 piece 40-50cm - (01-885)

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