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Scanpan - Impact 3 Hluta Eldhúsáhöldasett



Do you need a starter set for a new home, or pots for your new induction cooktop, one of these sets from the Impact range will be a good choice. And you will for sure enjoy the design details of the Impact range every day: Drip-free rim. Inside capacity …
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Do you need a starter set for a new home, or pots for your new induction cooktop, one of these sets from the Impact range will be a good choice. And you will for sure enjoy the design details of the Impact range every day: Drip-free rim. Inside capacity markings. Tempered glass lid. Fast heat distribution

Upplýsingar um vöru

SKU númer
Scanpan - Impact 3 Hluta Eldhúsáhöldasett
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Vöru Flokkur

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