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Sampar - Professional Peeling New Skin 30 ml



Innihald (ml)
Prepare to transform your skin into beautiful, fresh and clear skin! With Sampar's enzyme peeling, you will achieve smoother, uniform and youthful-looking skin. The peeling mask is highly effective, but at the same time mild and gentle, which makes it su…
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Prepare to transform your skin into beautiful, fresh and clear skin!

With Sampar's enzyme peeling, you will achieve smoother, uniform and youthful-looking skin. The peeling mask is highly effective, but at the same time mild and gentle, which makes it suitable for all skin types.

A combination of mandelic acid, glycolic acid and enzymes ensures that the product works effectively in depth as well as on the surface of the skin, where you will experience a more uniform skin tone and a clear and radiant complexion.


  • Use in the evening 1-2 times a week.

  • Wet your hands and lather an appropriate amount of peeling mask into your hands.

  • Massage into the skin with soft circular movements - avoid the delicate eye area.

  • Leave the product on for 1 minute, rinse with water and pat the face dry.

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Sampar - Professional Peeling New Skin 30 ml
Innihald (ml)

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