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Raunsborg - Body Scrub For All Skin Types 200 ml



Innihald (ml)
Raunsborg Body Scrub For All Skin Types is a fantastic, softening and exfoliating gel that instantly removes dirt and dead skin cells. This gel contains ingredients of, among other things, pumpkin seeds, marigold and rapeseed oil, which soothe and rebuil…
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Raunsborg Body Scrub For All Skin Types is a fantastic, softening and exfoliating gel that instantly removes dirt and dead skin cells. This gel contains ingredients of, among other things, pumpkin seeds, marigold and rapeseed oil, which soothe and rebuild the skin. Raunsborg Body Scrub For All Skin Types stimulates cell renewal, leaving you with a smoother and softer feeling. A super delicious and effective gel, for those who need a little extra care and well-being in a busy and hectic everyday life.


  • Used 1-2 times a week

  • Moisturize the skin and massage the body with this scrub in soft and circular movements

  • Finally, rinse off the scrub and enjoy your renewed and silky skin


  • A softening and exfoliating scrub that instantly removes dirt and dead skin cells

  • Contains ingredients that penetrate and soothe and soften the skin

  • Stimulates cell renewal and leaves you with a smoother and softer feeling

  • A super effective gel for you who need a little extra nourishment and care in everyday life

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SKU númer
Raunsborg - Body Scrub For All Skin Types 200 ml
Innihald (ml)

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