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Plus Garden Harvest Basket



Plus Garden Harvest Basket. The Fiskars Plus harvest basket is the perfect solution for collecting, carrying and cleaning both the harvest and your harvesting tools. One side acts as a colander for rinsing freshly harvested vegetables, while the other ca…
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Plus Garden Harvest Basket

The Fiskars Plus harvest basket is the perfect solution for collecting, carrying and cleaning both the harvest and your harvesting tools.

One side acts as a colander for rinsing freshly harvested vegetables, while the other can be used to soak the harvest or rinse fruit, vegetables and tools

The swinging handle of the basket locks together so that it can be easily handled with one hand. It can also be carried with both hands using the two side handles

Made of robust plastic

Dimensions: 61 cm x 39 cm x 13 cm

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Plus Garden Harvest Basket
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