With Scooby, easel and various paintings. You can take the mask off the ghost. Scooby as a painter, which you can collect! At full moon, the incredible SCOOBY-DOO! Adventure about the Black Knight begins. As with magic, the black knight comes to life and…
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With Scooby, easel and various paintings. You can take the mask off the ghost. Scooby as a painter, which you can collect! At full moon, the incredible SCOOBY-DOO! Adventure about the Black Knight begins. As with magic, the black knight comes to life and haunts everyone in his armor. Scooby-Doo ™ is looking for clues in the paintings that can help capture the villain. One can take the mask of the figure and reveal the true identity of the mysterious black knight. The ghost card contains more information about the black knight. The contents of the ghost cards can be read together with the card reader that comes with the SCOOBY-DOO play sets! Mystery Machine ™ or SCOOBY-DOO! Adventures in the haunted house ™ (70286, 70361 - each set sold separately). The set includes Scooby-Doo, the black knight, a ghost card, the knight's ghost armor and painting accessories.
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Míniheimur Playmobil örvar ímyndunarafl barna, sköpun og hugmyndir. Að skapa heim í kringum Playmobil vini sína, búa til persónur og senur, að ímynda sér hvernig þær myndu vinna saman og hvað gerist næst. Playmobil er frábært þegar börn leika sér ein eða þegar börn læra að leika saman og læra að deila hlutunum.
Playmobil fígúrurnar geta beygt sig, setið, staðið, og snúið höfðinu til að skapa raunverulegar stellingar.