The Playmobil Police Roadblock is the perfect tool for Police to stop suspected criminals. Use the warning signs to signal to drivers that they need to stop. The Police officers also have an array of equipment to make sure motorists are driving safe incl…
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The Playmobil Police Roadblock is the perfect tool for Police to stop suspected criminals. Use the warning signs to signal to drivers that they need to stop. The Police officers also have an array of equipment to make sure motorists are driving safe including a safety camera and stop sign. If drivers fail to stop use the tyre spikes to bring even the fastest of criminals to a complete halt. Includes 2 Playmobil Police officers, Police dog and lots of accessories.
With nail trap the criminal vehicles can be stopped.
Both policemen are equipped with bulletproof vests
The police dog can be kept in the included dog box .
The dog box fits in the back of the Police Car with Lights and Sound.
Palymobil eru klassísk leikföng í góðum gæðum frá Þýskalandi
Míniheimur Playmobil örvar ímyndunarafl barna, sköpun og hugmyndir. Að skapa heim í kringum Playmobil vini sína, búa til persónur og senur, að ímynda sér hvernig þær myndu vinna saman og hvað gerist næst. Playmobil er frábært þegar börn leika sér ein eða þegar börn læra að leika saman og læra að deila hlutunum.
Playmobil fígúrurnar geta beygt sig, setið, staðið, og snúið höfðinu til að skapa raunverulegar stellingar.