For exciting chases in the air! The gangster parachute is thrown into the air and floats gently down. The police helicopter takes up the chase.This police operation is a high-profile operation. The crook wants to escape with a parachute. But he did his c…
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For exciting chases in the air! The gangster parachute is thrown into the air and floats gently down. The police helicopter takes up the chase.This police operation is a high-profile operation. The crook wants to escape with a parachute. But he did his calculations without the clever PLAYMOBIL police officer in his helicopter. While the thief slowly glides to the ground, the policeman, from the cockpit of the helicopter, always keeps an eye on him. When he lands, he is already expected. The next trip goes to prison. The playset contains two PLAYMOBIL figures policeman and criminal, a police helicopter, a parachute and many other extras for exciting air chases. Throw parachute and figure into the air and watch it float to the ground.
Palymobil eru klassísk leikföng í góðum gæðum frá Þýskalandi
Míniheimur Playmobil örvar ímyndunarafl barna, sköpun og hugmyndir. Að skapa heim í kringum Playmobil vini sína, búa til persónur og senur, að ímynda sér hvernig þær myndu vinna saman og hvað gerist næst. Playmobil er frábært þegar börn leika sér ein eða þegar börn læra að leika saman og læra að deila hlutunum.
Playmobil fígúrurnar geta beygt sig, setið, staðið, og snúið höfðinu til að skapa raunverulegar stellingar.