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Payot - My Payot Crème Stick Éclat 25 g



You don't want to underestimate skin care, do you? Use a moisturizer every day – it's a cornerstone of your skin care that you should never do without in your beauty routine. The face cream Payot My Payot Crème Stick Éclat supplies the skin with the nece…
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You don't want to underestimate skin care, do you? Use a moisturizer every day – it's a cornerstone of your skin care that you should never do without in your beauty routine. The face cream Payot My Payot Crème Stick Éclat supplies the skin with the necessary moisture, gives it relief from the feeling of dryness and prevents the formation of scales. It makes the skin balanced, supple, nourished and soft. Its moisturizing effect also helps fight signs of skin aging.


Makes the skin younger and gives it energy

Provides intensive moisture

Forms a barrier that protects the skin from external influences

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Payot - My Payot Crème Stick Éclat 25 g

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