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Orchard - Farmyard Heads And Tails (600018)

  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
This colourful farm game can be played alone, matching the cards, or as a memory game. Young children can start by turning the farm cards face up and trying to match head and tail. Or you can take it to the next level and turn the cards face down, turnin…
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This colourful farm game can be played alone, matching the cards, or as a memory game. Young children can start by turning the farm cards face up and trying to match head and tail. Or you can take it to the next level and turn the cards face down, turning it into a matching and memorisation game. There are 12 different farmyard characters and objects to match. For 1-4 players. From 18 months.

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SKU númer
Orchard - Farmyard Heads And Tails (600018)

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