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Orchard - Farmyard Families Card Game (600117)

  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
Match the adorable farm animals with their babies and place them inside the 3D barn. This game can be played in 4 different ways, so the game evolves as the child develops. The game contains 30 large cards that are perfect for little hands and can be wip…
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Match the adorable farm animals with their babies and place them inside the 3D barn. This game can be played in 4 different ways, so the game evolves as the child develops. The game contains 30 large cards that are perfect for little hands and can be wiped clean, When players match the cards correctly, they are encouraged to say like the animal on the card before placing the card pair in the 3D barn. For 1-4 players. From 24 months.

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Orchard - Farmyard Families Card Game (600117)

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