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Orchard - Dinosaur Dig (600124)

  • toys-warning-mark ce-marking
Hurry up and find all the bones so you can build your 3D dinosaur. All players choose a pick colour to match the colour of their dinosaur. Players take turns picking up a dinosaur bone from the 3D game board with the pick. If the colour of the number mat…
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Hurry up and find all the bones so you can build your 3D dinosaur. All players choose a pick colour to match the colour of their dinosaur. Players take turns picking up a dinosaur bone from the 3D game board with the pick. If the colour of the number matches the colour of the pick, the player can add the part to their dinosaur body. But be careful, because if you get hold of a T-Rex card, you have to give up a piece of your dinosaur to the board. The winner is the first player to build their dinosaur. For 2-4 players. From 4 years old.

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SKU númer
Orchard - Dinosaur Dig (600124)

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