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OPI - Infinite Shine 2 Peppermint Bark And Bite 15 ml



Infinite Shine is a unique colour-saturated and durable varnish with an "easy to use" varnish system that leaves the nail with a high-gloss and mirror-gloss surface. No LED lights are used here and the polish is removed as if it were ordinary nail polish…
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Infinite Shine is a unique colour-saturated and durable varnish with an "easy to use" varnish system that leaves the nail with a high-gloss and mirror-gloss surface. No LED lights are used here and the polish is removed as if it were ordinary nail polish. By using the 3-step system, shine, color and gloss are ensured. The first step is the Primer "base coat" which prevents discolouration in the nail and which has a unique adhesion effect. Then apply the desired nail polish and finally apply Gloss "top coat", which creates a Non-stop shine effect.


  1. Prepare your natural nails for long-lasting polish to ensure the polish adheres to your nail.

  2. Apply a layer of Infinite Shine Primer. This is done to prevent discoloration in the nail and so that the nail polish itself adheres better to the nail.

  3. Shake the desired nail polish before applying it to the nail to mix the pigment properly. This relieves streakiness.

  4. Apply two thin layers of Infinite Shine to each nail. Apply a little extra at the end of the nail to prevent the nail from breaking later.

  5. Finally apply a layer of Infinite Shine Gloss. This works as a top coat, and ensures even longer durability and a lot of shine.

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OPI - Infinite Shine 2 Peppermint Bark And Bite 15 ml
Peppermint Bark And Bite

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