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Oceans Eleven / Oceans Twelve / Oceans Thirteen 4K Ultra HD + Blu-Ray



Ocean's Eleven: The skill of Academy Award-winning director Steven Soderbergh combines with enough starpower to light up the Las Vegas strip in this classy caper. George Clooney plays Danny Ocean, leading a clever crew out to defy the odds in a split-sec…
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Ocean's Eleven: The skill of Academy Award-winning director Steven Soderbergh combines with enough starpower to light up the Las Vegas strip in this classy caper. George Clooney plays Danny Ocean, leading a clever crew out to defy the odds in a split-second heist of three Vegas casinos - all owned by a magnate (Andy Garcia) who is dating Danny's ex-wife (Julia Roberts). A fixer (Brad Pitt), a pickpocket (Matt Damon), a blackjack dealer (Bernie Mac), a flimflammer (Carl Reiner) and others in well-defined roles are with Danny. Are you in or out? Ocean's Twelve: Danny Ocean and his pals return in a sequel to the cool caper that yielded a $160-million heist. But $160 million doesn't go very far. Not with everyone spending like sailors on leave. Not with Vegas big-shot Terry Benedict out to recover his dough. And not with a mysterious someone stalking Danny and crew. It's time to pull off another stunning plan - or plans. With locales like Amsterdam, Paris and Rome, direction by Steven Soderbergh and the original cast plus Catherine Zeta-Jones, Twelve is your lucky number. Ocean's Thirteen: It's bolder. Riskier. The most dazzling heist yet. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and more reteam with director Steven Soderbergh for a split-second caper that stacks the deck with wit, style and cool. Danny Ocean again runs the game, so no rough stuff. No one gets hurt. Except for double-crossing Vegas kingpin Willy Bank (Al Pacino). Ocean's crew will hit him where it hurts: in his wallet. On opening night of Bank's posh new casino tower The Bank, every turn of a card and roll of the dice will come up a winner for bettors. And they'll hit him in his pride, making sure the tower doesn't receive a coveted Five Diamond Award. That's just the start of the flimflams. The boys are out to break The Bank. Place your bets!

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Oceans Eleven / Oceans Twelve / Oceans Thirteen 4K Ultra HD + Blu-Ray
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