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Noris - Deluxe Wooden Labyrinth (606101983)



  • ce-marking
The "Deluxe wooden labyrinth" is made from pinewood and requires plenty of skill. Who can travel the furthest without falling into the traps? . Place the ball in the start position and try to guide it through the labyrinth by turning the wheels on both s…
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The "Deluxe wooden labyrinth" is made from pinewood and requires plenty of skill. Who can travel the furthest without falling into the traps?

Place the ball in the start position and try to guide it through the labyrinth by turning the wheels on both sides. There are traps on each side of the route, which you must try to avoid.

"Deluxe wooden labyrinth" is designed for one player aged 6 and above.

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SKU númer
Noris - Deluxe Wooden Labyrinth (606101983)
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