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Muubs - Batu Candleholder Marble Ø10xH7 cm



The Batu candle holder is made of marble that comes from Indonesian mountainsides is characterized by the stone’s beautiful, light shades and nuances. . The shape of the rustic candle holder is created by hand and the name Batu is inspired by its sculptu…
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The Batu candle holder is made of marble that comes from Indonesian mountainsides is characterized by the stone’s beautiful, light shades and nuances.

The shape of the rustic candle holder is created by hand and the name Batu is inspired by its sculptural expression and means “stone” in Indonesian.

The Batu candle holder is designed with a large recess that fits a large block light.

The candle holder can be used for food. However, you must refrain from using foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits, so that the juice can damage the stone.

Each candle holder has its own unique expression in shape and color depending on nuances of the natural marble stone.

The unique expression on the candle holder adds glow to your décor. Batu can be used on the windowsill, as an elegant jewelry bowl in the bathroom or as a snack bowl for your table.

The Batu candle holder is sold individually.

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Muubs - Batu Candleholder Marble Ø10xH7 cm

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