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mierEdu - Magic Water Doodle Book - Sea World (ME228D)



  • ce-marking toys-warning-mark
This sea world water doodle book is both fun and teach children words, numbers and colours through the magic watercolour art. Fill the pen with water, draw within the lines and see the beautiful pictures revealed. When the pages dries, the colours will d…
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This sea world water doodle book is both fun and teach children words, numbers and colours through the magic watercolour art.
Fill the pen with water, draw within the lines and see the beautiful pictures revealed.
When the pages dries, the colours will disappear to be painted again and again.
The water doodle book is designed to stimulate small childrens interest in learning, exploration and imagination and supports healthy cognitive development.
Contents: 1 x water doodle book, 1 x water pen.

Material: EVA-foam
Product: 2,4 x 20,4 x 22,6 cm
Age: 3-5 yrs

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mierEdu - Magic Water Doodle Book - Sea World (ME228D)

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