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The Matrix Ultimate Collection (4 Films + Animatrix) 4K Ultra HD + Blu-Ray

The Matrix: Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishbourne lead the fight to free humankind in the see-and-see-again cyberthriller written and directed by the Wachowskis - and the winner of four Academy Awards. The Matrix Reloaded: What is the Matrix? Who created …
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The Matrix: Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishbourne lead the fight to free humankind in the see-and-see-again cyberthriller written and directed by the Wachowskis - and the winner of four Academy Awards. The Matrix Reloaded: What is the Matrix? Who created the Matrix? The answers lead to more worlds of bold possibility and to a destiny that passes from revelations to Revolutions. The Matrix Revolutions: Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and other heroes stand on the brink of victory or annihilation in the epic war against the Machines. For Neo, that means going where no human has dared - into the heart of Machine City and into a cataclysmic showdown with the exponentially more powerful renegade program. The Matrix Resurrections: Return to a world of two realities: everyday life... and what lies behind it. To truly know himself, Neo must follow the white rabbit once again into the Matrix. Of course, Neo already knows what he has to do. What he doesn't know is that the Matrix is more dangerous than ever. Deja vu. The Animatrix: Plug into this fusion of CG-animation and Japanese anime from the world's most revered anime directors. Experience the prequel to The Matrix and learn about the last cities of mankind, the war with the machines and humanity's ultimate downfall. Witness the Final Flight of the Osiris and expand your mind with a dazzling arsenal of Bonus Materials. On Disc Special Features The Matrix: • Written Introduction by the Wachowskis • Philosophers Commentary by Dr. Cornel West and Ken Wilber • Critics Commentary by Todd McCarthy, John Powers and David Thomson • Cast & Crew Commentary by Carrie-Anne Moss, Zach Staenberg and John Gaeta • Composer Commentary by Don Davis with Music-Only Track The Matrix Reloaded: • Philosophers' Commentary • Critics' Commentary • Written Introduction by the Wachowskis The Matrix Revolutions: • Philosophers' Commentary • Critics' Commentary • Written Introduction by the Wachowskis Plus, over 3 hours of exciting bonus content included on Blu-ray: • The Matrix Revisited • Behind The Matrix • Follow the White Rabbit • And More...

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The Matrix Ultimate Collection (4 Films + Animatrix) 4K Ultra HD + Blu-Ray
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