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Life is Strange 2 (FR/Multi in Game) - Xbox One

The award-winning Life is Strange series continues with an all-new story from DONTNOD Entertainment. After a tragic incident, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run away from home. Fearing the police, and dealing with Daniel's newly manifested telekinetic pow…
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The award-winning Life is Strange series continues with an all-new story from DONTNOD Entertainment. 

After a tragic incident, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run away from home. Fearing the police, and dealing with Daniel's newly manifested telekinetic power – the power to move objects with your mind – the boys decide to travel to their father's hometown of Puerto Lobos in Mexico for safety. 

Suddenly, sixteen year-old Sean is responsible for Daniel’s safety, shelter, and teaching him right from wrong. As Daniel's power grows, it’s up to Sean to decide the rules by which they live. Keep the power secret, or use it to help them in their journey? Beg, borrow, or steal? Reach out to family, or stay hidden? Sean’s choices shape the fates of the Diaz brothers, and the lives of everyone they meet. From Seattle, to Portland, to California... through gas stations, abandoned shacks, backstreets and forests... the road to Mexico is long and filled with danger – but also friendship, wonder, and opportunity.

This is the trip that could bond Sean and Daniel forever… or tear their brotherhood apart.

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  • Tungumál á kápu: Franska
SKU númer
Life is Strange 2 (FR/Multi in Game)
3. desember 2019
Auka upplýsingar
Xbox One

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