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Lee Stafford - Scalp Love Skin-Kind Dry Shampoo 200 ml

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You've probably heard it before that you should ditch the frequent hair washes to spare your hair, but that dry shampoo is not healthy for your scalp. But what do you do when the hair has reached day 3, slaps and won't cooperate? Lee Stafford has the sol…
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You've probably heard it before that you should ditch the frequent hair washes to spare your hair, but that dry shampoo is not healthy for your scalp. But what do you do when the hair has reached day 3, slaps and won't cooperate? Lee Stafford has the solution. Scalp Love Skin-Kind Dry Shampoo is a dry shampoo that has been created with thought in mind for the health of your scalp. It regulates oil production between hair washes, so that your hair feels delicious and freshly washed, so you can go several days without washing your hair again, at the same time as it provides volume and extra care for a sensitive scalp. Great hair always starts at the scalp and the Scalp Love range is your scalp's best friend to create an environment that promotes healthy hair growth.

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Lee Stafford - Scalp Love Skin-Kind Dry Shampoo 200 ml
Innihald (ml)

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