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Kwaidan ~Azuma Manor Story~ (Limited Edition) (Import) - Nintendo Switch

1930's Japan. It is the dawn of the Showa era. In a rural manor, a very long night is about to begin.. Explore the depths of the Azuma Manor, fighting off devilish Yoki, while avoiding traps and solving devious puzzles as you strive to save the Azuma fam…
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1930's Japan.

It is the dawn of the Showa era. In a rural manor, a very long night is about to begin...

Explore the depths of the Azuma Manor, fighting off devilish Yoki, while avoiding traps and solving devious puzzles as you strive to save the Azuma family.

Kwaidan mixes classic 3D horror action with point-click adventure to provide a nostalgic-yet-new experience. With no guns, strategy is needed to take on the Yoki close-up with traditional weapons such as naginata, magatama, and mirror that releases a deadly aura.

As you explore the grounds of the mansion you can call up a cursor to examine points of interest and discover items that can aid you in your quest. Kwaidan is a unique blend of action adventure with classic high-wire suspense from beginning to end that will keep you on your toes.

Retro-style polygon graphics evoke classic games of the early 2000s, with movie-reel-style presentation. Select between Origin Mode for authentic "tank-style" controls, or Modern Mode for standard analog movement and a new subtle cel-shaded look.

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  • Undirtexti: Enska
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SKU númer
Kwaidan ~Azuma Manor Story~ (Limited Edition) (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
Nintendo Switch

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