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KovaLine - Ready to use Wipes - 100pcs - (571326900022)



KovaLine Wipes contain KovaLine Care Mix ready to use. Cleanses, peels and cares in the same process. Simple to use and makes it easier to wash the infected areas. Can be used for: Wounds, eczema, itching, dry or damaged skin, general washing on all smal…
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KovaLine Wipes contain KovaLine Care Mix ready to use.

Cleanses, peels and cares in the same process. Simple to use and makes it easier to wash the infected areas.

Can be used for: Wounds, eczema, itching, dry or damaged skin, general washing on all small animals, horses and production animals

Ingredients: Less than 5%: Soap, anionic and non-ionic surfactants, Polycarboxylate. Water, Lanolin, Allantoin, Glycerin, Trisodiumdicarboxymethyl Alaninate, Caprylyl Glycol, Propanediol.

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KovaLine - Ready to use Wipes - 100pcs - (571326900022)

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