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iTotal - PinArt Rainbow Small (XL2504)



  • ce-marking
Introducing iTotal - PinArt Rainbow Small: Enter the world of creativity and exploration with our PinArt Rainbow Small. This captivating toy offers both children and adults the opportunity to create unique 3D impressions using plastic pins. Consisting o…
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Introducing iTotal - PinArt Rainbow Small: Enter the world of creativity and exploration with our PinArt Rainbow Small. This captivating toy offers both children and adults the opportunity to create unique 3D impressions using plastic pins.

Consisting of a frame with a grid of movable plastic pins, iTotal PinArt Rainbow Small is more than just a toy; it's a gateway to endless imagination and learning. By pressing against the pins, users can produce impressive and intricate impressions on the other side, delving into the principles of pressure and form in a fun and interactive way.

PinArt isn't just about entertainment; it's a tool for discovery and expression, perfect for play, learning, and unleashing creativity in individuals of all ages. Sized at 12.5x9.6x6 cm, it's compact and portable, making it ideal for on-the-go fun and exploration.

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iTotal - PinArt Rainbow Small (XL2504)

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