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The Infinity Saga - Black Panther Figure

King, warrior, and superhero T'Challa the Black Panther is all that and more. Prepared from a young age to become the ruler of a mysterious kingdom in Africa, highly developed with advanced technology, yet preserving their ancestral tribal traditions in …
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King, warrior, and superhero T'Challa the Black Panther is all that and more. Prepared from a young age to become the ruler of a mysterious kingdom in Africa, highly developed with advanced technology, yet preserving their ancestral tribal traditions in complete harmony, his skills were further enhanced after ingesting a rare mystical heart-shaped herb. Honorable, T'Challa is polite, respectful, and considerate of his friends and allies. In addition to his kind-hearted nature, he is a great warrior, fearless, brave, and gifted with special powers and abilities, willing to face any challenge, like the imposing feline he represents, to help his people and do what he thinks is right.

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The Infinity Saga - Black Panther Figure
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