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House doctor - Soap dispenser, Edga, Black (208581020)

Give your bathroom an effortless update with this ceramic soap dispenser from House Doctor. Its black colour and sleek design adds a timeless, minimalist touch to your bathroom décor. Add your favourite liquid soap and give it a pump. Or get two and use …
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Give your bathroom an effortless update with this ceramic soap dispenser from House Doctor. Its black colour and sleek design adds a timeless, minimalist touch to your bathroom décor. Add your favourite liquid soap and give it a pump. Or get two and use the other one for your hand sanitiser. A simple and effective way to create a calm, cohesive vibe. 


  • Height: 16.5 cm

  • Diameter: 8.5 cm

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SKU númer
House doctor - Soap dispenser, Edga, Black (208581020)

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