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HoliFrog - Kosi Multi-Acid Recharging Mask 60 ml



HoliFrog’s Kosi Multi-Acid Recharging Mask is a next level resurfacing and replenishing face mask. Kosi goes beyond superficial layers, reaching down to the cellular level to help prevent future skin damage as well — this is not just another exfoliating …
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HoliFrog’s Kosi Multi-Acid Recharging Mask is a next level resurfacing and replenishing face mask. Kosi goes beyond superficial layers, reaching down to the cellular level to help prevent future skin damage as well — this is not just another exfoliating resurfacer. With a multi-functional acid blend, reparative antioxidants, and the power of algae and seaweed, this formula is meant to recharge skin back to its most vibrant, refreshed, and energized self.

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HoliFrog - Kosi Multi-Acid Recharging Mask 60 ml

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