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Good Loot - Kids: Crash Rumble Heroes Puzzles - 160


Good Loot

Crash and his gang join their past villains for a sporting event!? The world has turned upside down! Start the new adventures of a friendly bandicoot by arranging 160 wumpa fruits .. we meant, of course, 160 elements. . •Dimensions of the completed pictu…
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Crash and his gang join their past villains for a sporting event!? The world has turned upside down!
Start the new adventures of a friendly bandicoot by arranging 160 wumpa fruits ... we meant, of course, 160 elements.

•Dimensions of the completed picture: 41 x 27.5 cm
•Dimensions of a single element: 2.5 x 2.7 cm
•26 x 17.5 cm poster included
•Original artworks from video games for kids
•Impressive, saturated colors
•Resistant to bending
•Reputable EU puzzle manufacturer
•Refined with a canvas effect that reduces light reflection
•High quality realization based on the latest printing technologies

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Good Loot - Kids: Crash Rumble Heroes Puzzles - 160
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