Introduce your child to safe cutting with Goki's Fruit with Velcro.
Perfect for pretend play, these six wooden fruits are held together by durable Velcro dots.
Ideal for developing fine motor skills and imaginative play.
Pineapple height: 7.3 cm.
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Að meðhöndla hnífa tekur smá lærdóm...Velcro punktar halda ávöxtunum saman - sterkur, djörf skurður og jarðarberið er skorið í tvennt. Velcro punktarnir eru endingargóðir og viðarávextirnir sex þola marga barnaskurð. Ananas H= 7,3 cm
Curiosity & sense of discovery development, Fine motor skills training, Motor skills training, Creative thinking skills training, Colours learning, Shapes learning