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Georifters (Import) - Nintendo Switch



This unique ground bending platformer asks players to use 3D spatial reasoning to navigate 2D situations; why jump across gaps when you can use your ability to close them? A wall of spikes in your path? No problem, spin them out of your way. Pesky enemy …
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This unique ground bending platformer asks players to use 3D spatial reasoning to navigate 2D situations; why jump across gaps when you can use your ability to close them? A wall of spikes in your path? No problem, spin them out of your way. Pesky enemy getting you down? Crush them with the ground they are standing on! Push, flip, twist, or turn the terrain to overcome challenges and battle competitors in hundreds of stages in single-player, co-op, or multiplayer modes. Unlock new skills, costumes, heroes, and much more in this unique ground bending 3D platformer.

Each hero in Georifters lives, literally, in their own bubble world, but one day, strange rifts begin appearing in each of the worlds, followed by strange creatures wreaking havoc and stealing the very air you breathe! You must help Candy to venture out of her bubble world and embark on a ground bending adventure spanning the different worlds, meeting other heroes along the way and convincing them to leave their isolated worlds, to accept and understand each other’s differences and join you on your journey, together to fight for a greater good.

Upplýsingar um vöru

SKU númer
Georifters (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
Nintendo Switch

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