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Garnier - Ambre Solaire - Sensitive Adv. Sun Protection Mist Face 75ml - SPF 50



Ambre Solaire Sensitive Advanced Daily Hydration Protection Mist is a moisturing and effective sun protection mist with SPF50 for the face. Take it with you every where, so you always have sun protection near you. The sun protection mist is ideal for you…
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Ambre Solaire Sensitive Advanced Daily Hydration Protection Mist is a moisturing and effective sun protection mist with SPF50 for the face. Take it with you every where, so you always have sun protection near you. The sun protection mist is ideal for you with sensitive and fine skin, who wants to protect it in the best way possible, when you're out in the sun. The mist is free from any parabens, so you can use it in your face without any worries. The Face Mist from Garnier, makes sure, that your makeup stays exactly like it was when you just applied it, all while it protects against UVA and UVB rays.


  • Shake the bottle well
  • Spray in the face before, after or both when you have done your makeup
  • Close the eyes and the mouth when spraying
  • Spray in an even layer
  • Hold the Mist 15 cm from the face


  • Face Mist with Sun Protection
  • SPF 50
  • Suitable for fine and sensitive skin
  • Free from parabens
  • Keeps ypur makeup beautiful all day
  • Protects against UVA and UVB rays
  • Gives your skin a beautiful finish

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SKU númer
Garnier - Ambre Solaire - Sensitive Adv. Sun Protection Mist Face 75ml - SPF 50
Innihald (ml)

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