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Við erum með verðábyrgð, þannig að ef þú finnur þessa vöru ódýrari einhvers staðar annars staðar geturðu haft samband við þjónustuver okkar um

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GARDENA Leaf and Lawn Collector



The bright colours of autumn leaves may be pretty, but collecting them from your lawn is not. What a good thing that this chore can be done with ease and fun thanks to the unique Leaf and Lawn Collector by GARDENA! With its sophisticated brushes it relia…
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The bright colours of autumn leaves may be pretty, but collecting them from your lawn is not. What a good thing that this chore can be done with ease and fun thanks to the unique Leaf and Lawn Collector by GARDENA!
With its sophisticated brushes it reliably collects not only foliage and leaves, but also grass clippings.
The use is easy and comfortable in all respects. The handle is characterised by great ergonomics and is going easy on your back, as you don't have to bend over to clean your lawn. For the leaves to be collected effectively, the height can be easily adjusted for adaptation to the ground.
Next to being easy, it is also very quiet as the Leaf and Lawn Collector works without an engine. That way you save energy and make a conscious decision in favour of sustainability.
As soon as the collection basket is full, it can be detached for emptying and simply re-attached afterwards. GARDENA offers you for this practical Leaf and Lawn Collector a warranty of 5 years.

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GARDENA Leaf and Lawn Collector

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