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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Patio Weeder



  • Compatible with all GARDENA combisystem handles for flexible use
  • Ergonomically designed grip with soft component and angled end for a secure, slip-free experience
  • Crafted from rust-proof, tempered steel for durability
  • Double-sided blade for effective cleaning between paving stones and along wall edges
  • Includes high-quality blade protection for safe storage
  • Optimize gardening toolkit with the combisystem Tool Rack Flex for tidy storage
  • Register product at within 3 months of purchase to enjoy a 25-year warranty

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Discover the ultimate solution for maintaining pristine patios and garden edges with the GARDENA combisystem Patio Weeder. Designed to tackle moss and weeds effortlessly between paving stones and along wall edges, this tool is a must-have for gardening enthusiasts. Its compatibility with all GARDENA combisystem handles allows for flexible and comfortable use, enabling you to work without bending over. The ergonomically designed grip, featuring a soft component and angled end, ensures a secure, slip-free experience. Crafted from rust-proof, tempered steel, the double-sided blade promises durability and effective cleaning. For added convenience, the Patio Weeder comes with a high-quality blade protection for safe storage. Optimize your gardening toolkit with the combisystem Tool Rack Flex for a tidy storage solution. Register your product at within 3 months of purchase to enjoy a 25-year warranty. Embrace effortless patio and garden maintenance with the GARDENA combisystem Patio Weeder.

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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Patio Weeder

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