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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Lawn Edge Trimmer



  • Compatible with all GARDENA combisystem handles for a customizable gardening experience
  • Crafted from ground and hardened steel with a half-moon edge for effortless edging
  • High-quality steel construction with Duroplast coating for enhanced durability
  • Secure connection between tool and handle ensures a hassle-free gardening session
  • 25-year warranty when registered at within 3 months of purchase
  • Designed for creating impeccably straight lawn edges to enhance the overall look of your outdoor space
  • Optimal comfort recommended with a 130 cm handle, tailored to your height and working conditions

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Transform your garden with precision using the GARDENA combisystem Lawn Edge Trimmer. Designed for creating impeccably straight lawn edges, this tool ensures your beds are neatly separated from the lawn, enhancing the overall look of your outdoor space. Its compatibility with all GARDENA combisystem handles allows for a customizable gardening experience, tailored to your height and working conditions. Opt for a 130 cm handle for optimal comfort, but rest assured, the choice is yours. The secure connection promises a hassle-free gardening session every time. Crafted from ground and hardened steel with a half-moon edge, this durable edger makes spade or pushing work effortless. Its high-quality steel construction is further protected by a Duroplast coating, guaranteeing longevity. For convenient storage, pair it with the combisystem tool holder set Flex. Plus, register your edger at within 3 months of purchase to enjoy a 25-year warranty. Make the GARDENA combisystem Lawn Edge Trimmer your go-to tool for a pristine garden.

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Gardena - GARDENA combisystem Lawn Edge Trimmer

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