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Gardena Combisystem Joint cleaner



Combisystem Joint cleaner. Removing grass, moss and weeds from the joints between slabs and on walls. GARDENA Combisystem Joint Scraper is perfect for removing grass, moss and weeds in pouring joints and on masonry. The jointer is equipped with a double-…
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Combisystem Joint cleaner

Removing grass, moss and weeds from the joints between slabs and on walls

GARDENA Combisystem Joint Scraper is perfect for removing grass, moss and weeds in pouring joints and on masonry. The jointer is equipped with a double-sided, towed and hardened blade in high-quality stainless steel that makes the work efficient. The jointer is equipped with a high-quality blade guard so that it can be stored safely. The warranty period is 25 years

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Gardena Combisystem Joint cleaner

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