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DONKEY - Hungry Hippos Vase - Large



Welcome to the wonderland of our Hungry Hippos. Our wildest vase has recently had its first growth spurt - say hello to the newest member of the Hippos family, the Large Vase. With an impressive size of 42cm, it is a whole 12cm taller than its predecesso…
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Welcome to the wonderland of our Hungry Hippos. Our wildest vase has recently had its first growth spurt - say hello to the newest member of the Hippos family, the Large Vase. With an impressive size of 42cm, it is a whole 12cm taller than its predecessor, allowing even more room for maneuver and creativity when arranging flowers and plants. Its greedy, wide-open mouth shows that this herbivorous contemporary lives up to its title. Lilies, amaryllis and other long-stemmed flowers are high on her menu.

Whether alone or paired with its fellow species, this vase makes a wild statement.

  • Size: 23 x 19 x 42 cm 

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DONKEY - Hungry Hippos Vase - Large
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