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Dead Rising (Deluxe Remaster Edition) (Nordic) - PlayStation 5



Say cheese! Everyone’s favorite zombie-hunting photojournalist, Frank West, is back in action in the beautifully remastered Dead Rising™ Deluxe Remaster – launching on November 8th, 2024 across Xbox Series X - S and PlayStation 5. Brought back to …
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Say cheese! Everyone’s favorite zombie-hunting photojournalist, Frank West, is back in action in the beautifully remastered Dead Rising™ Deluxe Remaster – launching on November 8th, 2024 across Xbox Series X - S and PlayStation 5.

Brought back to life with Capcom’s RE ENGINE, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is the definitive remaster of the classic Dead Rising game from 2006 that delivered a fresh take on the zombie genre with incredible action, over-the-top combat, hordes of weapon choices, costumes, and a comedic yet compelling storyline. If you’ve been living under a rock or have been trapped in a shopping mall the last 18 years, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster introduces freelance photojournalist Frank West as he ventures to Willamette, Colorado after overhearing there is something unnatural going on in town. Frank soon finds out he is in the middle of a zombie takeover and has 72 hours to uncover the truth about this outbreak!

There are a bunch of new features and gameplay improvements in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster that will have both veterans and newcomers falling in love with the game (again), including:

  • Improved Graphics: Experience Willamette Parkview Mall being overrun by hordes of zombies like never before in up to 4K resolution with a 60 FPS frame rate!
  • Updated Character Models: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster introduces new, high-end character modeling for Frank West, the unhinged Psychopaths, NPCs like Brad, Jessie, Isabela, and the beloved Madonna, survivors of the outbreak, and the seemingly endless waves of zombies!
  • Quality-of-(Undead) Life Improvements: Numerous adjustments and highly requested features have been added to the game, like:
  • Frank West now has the ability to move while aiming!
  • Aspiring photojournalists can customise action shots with filters to get the best glam shot of their favorite zombies!
  • Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster now has auto-save functionality! Need a bathroom break? Don’t worry… manual saves are still available when you need a breather.
  • All NPC and survivor interactions are now fully voiced!
  • New and improved NPC behaviors!
  • Real-time lighting and shadow effects!
  • More intuitive and user-friendly controls!
  • New fine-tuned user interface!

Play your way with sandbox-style gameplay as you escape the madness of Willamette Parkview Mall, rescue survivors, and use almost any object you come across as a weapon in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster – the definitive remaster of the classic Dead Rising, releasing on November 8th, 2024!

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  • Tungumál á kápu: Enska
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Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Tungumál í Tölvuleiknum: Enska
Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingar frá framleiðanda. Ef þú hefur fleiri spurningar um tungumálavalkosti geturðu yfirleitt fundið upplýsingarnar á heimasíðu útgefanda.
  • Undirtexti: Enska
SKU númer
Dead Rising (Deluxe Remaster Edition) (Nordic)
8. nóvember 2024
Auka upplýsingar
  • PEGI: 18+
PlayStation 5
USK á Disk
  • USK á Disk: 18+

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