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Cederroth – Skyndihjálparbox Medium



The Cederroth First Aid Kit Medium is a first aid kit which is made of a durable rubber-like material with a matte surface that can keep out dust, moisture and dirt. The equipment is kept hygienically clean and is always ready for use. The products are p…
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The Cederroth First Aid Kit Medium is a first aid kit which is made of a durable rubber-like material with a matte surface that can keep out dust, moisture and dirt. The equipment is kept hygienically clean and is always ready for use. The products are packed in transparent plastic pockets, which provide a clear overview and make it easy to find the right product when every second counts. All products are provided with clear self-explanatory instructions. The signal colors green and yellow make the suitcase visible from a long distance. A practical handle with adjustable Velcro makes it easy to attach the case or carry it with you.


  • 1 Cederroth 4-in-1 Blood Stopper
  • 1 Cederroth 4-in-1 mini Blood Stopper
  • 10 Salvequick Plasters
  • 6 Salvequick Wound wash
  • 4 Salvequick Maxi Cover
  • 1 Breathing mask
  • 2 Safety Hand Cleanser
  • 2 pairs of Gloves
  • 1 Rescue blanket
  • 1 Elastic bandage
  • 1 Cederroth Burn Gel Dressing
  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 First aid instruction

Dimensions: W 231 x H 190 x D 78 mm

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Cederroth – Skyndihjálparbox Medium
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