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Bex - Kubb Original black Edition (511-012)



  • ce-marking
Kubb Set - Blackboard Edition. Elevate your outdoor games with this premium Kubb set, crafted from durable rubber wood and painted with blackboard paint for a unique and interactive experience. The set includes: 1 King (30x7.5cm). 6 Throwing Sticks (30x4…
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Kubb Set - Blackboard Edition

Elevate your outdoor games with this premium Kubb set, crafted from durable rubber wood and painted with blackboard paint for a unique and interactive experience. The set includes:

  • 1 King (30x7.5cm)

  • 6 Throwing Sticks (30x4cm)

  • 10 Knights (15x6cm)

  • 4 Area Markers

Also included are chalks for custom designs, a convenient non-woven bag with handles for easy transport, and a multi-lingual rulebook and instructions. All packed in a vibrant full-color carton with a handle and a cutout to showcase the high quality of the product. Perfect for gatherings and outdoor fun, this Kubb set combines traditional gameplay with creative customization.

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SKU númer
Bex - Kubb Original black Edition (511-012)

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