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ARXP Rotating Brush



ARXP Rotating Brush. The rotating brush for pressure washers is the accessory designed to quickly, efficiently and delicately remove dirt from different types of surfaces, from glass or paint to plastic. Thanks to the special anti-scratch bristles , this…
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ARXP Rotating Brush

The rotating brush for pressure washers is the accessory designed to quickly, efficiently and delicately remove dirt from different types of surfaces, from glass or paint to plastic. Thanks to the special anti-scratch bristles , this tool helps you when cleaning cars, motorcycles, boats, sun loungers and garden furniture, reducing both work times and the effort to obtain an impeccable result. Sometimes, in fact, using the pressure washer lance alone is not enough to perfectly eliminate traces of dirt and it is necessary to equip yourself with accessories specifically designed to facilitate the work. The rotating brush for pressure washers acts accurately and delicately, and is able to reach even the most difficult points.

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ARXP Rotating Brush
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