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ARXP Patio cleaner



ARXP Patio cleaner. The Patio Cleaner for ARXP pressure washers is the floor cleaner designed to clean large outdoor surfaces simply and effectively. Thanks to the 360-degree rotation of the two asymmetric nozzles it is equipped with, this brush allows y…
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ARXP Patio cleaner

The Patio Cleaner for ARXP pressure washers is the floor cleaner designed to clean large outdoor surfaces simply and effectively. Thanks to the 360-degree rotation of the two asymmetric nozzles it is equipped with, this brush allows you to quickly remove dirt from floors, terraces, patios, porches, stairs and pool edges, obtaining an impeccable result. The patio for pressure washer performs a deep and thorough cleaning, without however attacking the material with which it comes into contact. For this reason, it is suitable for different types of surfaces , from stone and concrete to wooden ones . It is a very practical accessory to use and install. To start using it, simply connect it to the pressure washer gun using the lance extension that is supplied with the tool. The compact and functional structure with which it is made also allows you to complete the work very comfortably: its external plastic cap of 25 cm in diameter , in fact, prevents the escape of splashes of water which, on the contrary, would risk wetting you and the surrounding environment.

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ARXP Patio cleaner
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