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ARXP Fixed brush



ARXP Fixed brush. The fixed brush for pressure washers is the essential accessory for thoroughly cleaning surfaces covered with stubborn dirt. Using the lance alone may sometimes not be enough for this purpose. The mechanical action of the bristles allow…
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ARXP Fixed brush

The fixed brush for pressure washers is the essential accessory for thoroughly cleaning surfaces covered with stubborn dirt. Using the lance alone may sometimes not be enough for this purpose. The mechanical action of the bristles allows for greater cleaning power, removing all traces of dirt. This tool comes to your aid when you need to wash your car, especially rims and underbody, your motorbike, your camper or to renovate sun loungers and garden furniture. Thanks to the anti-scratch bristles it is equipped with, it is also very useful for all those surfaces that need to be treated with care to become perfect and shiny again without being damaged by the water jet.

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ARXP Fixed brush
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