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HAMA Beads - Midi - Disney Princess giftbox - 6000 pc (387911)


HAMA Beads

  • ce-marking toys-warning-mark
Approx. 6.000 beads, 3 large square pegboards, 2 colour printed design sheets, instructions and ironing paper. HAMA Beads - Creative play for growing chrildren Playing with HAMA Beads children learn to recognise colours, grip small objects, tell one shap…
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Approx. 6.000 beads, 3 large square pegboards, 2 colour printed design sheets, instructions and ironing paper.

HAMA Beads - Creative play for growing chrildren
Playing with HAMA Beads children learn to recognise colours, grip small objects, tell one shape from another, get an idea of quantities.

With a few Hama pegboards and a variety of colourful Hama beads, the imagination can run riot.The most popular way of playing with Hama beads is to make your design and afterwards make it permanent through ironing.

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HAMA Beads - Midi - Disney Princess giftbox - 6000 pc (387911)
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