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Snails - Nail Polish - Princess Dream (200661)



  • ce-marking
Fine Snails nail polishes sold in a 3-pack with different colours: Solid pink. Purple with glitter. Solid red. The nail polishes are made especially for children as they are: Free from chemicals. Environmentally friendly. Water-based. Fragrance-free. Sna…
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Fine Snails nail polishes sold in a 3-pack with different colours:

  • Solid pink

  • Purple with glitter

  • Solid red

The nail polishes are made especially for children as they are:

  • Free from chemicals

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Water-based

  • Fragrance-free

Snails nail polishes are made from natural and child-friendly ingredients that can be easily removed with soap and lukewarm water. With these nail polishes, it's just as fun to put nail polish on your nails as it is to remove it.

The nail polishes come in a cute box with a bow.

Each bottle contains 5ml.

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SKU númer
Snails - Nail Polish - Princess Dream (200661)

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